O > Antonny
Liem, Marizna, Lulu <o
>Elmira Al-Mafaza Baby
Clothing <o
Pak Senawi: Kewirausahaan
=> martabat (karena memberikan kehidupan untuk orang lain)
Antonny Liem:
Masa ini merupakan
masa yang luar biasa karena banyak sekali aspek yang berkembang dengan luar
Politik Indonesia
cenderung stabil.
It’s good if you
lead your ideas to action.
Well, there’s
nothing new under the sun. Tidak ada ide yang benar-benar baru, yang ada adalah
mengimprovisasi ide yang sudah ada dengan tidak benar-benar menjiplak yang
original. It’s about how you make it better.
Praktikkan ATM
(Amati Tiru Modifikasi) then make it yours
Cari partner
bisnismu to gain something from brainstorming.
Steal, don’t copy
> brainstorm to make it better > write it down > keep it simple >
perfection is state of mind. If you don’t practice this, your idea will be just
an idea.
Starting your
business plan => agar terbangun sistematik thinking, logika bisnis. Brand is
only your identifier.
Vision is what you
want to be. Mission is what you are doing. Goals and Objectives are what your
targets are.
Do SWOT Analysis:
research, research, and research.
Strategic plan to
organize sales and marketing.
Financial plan:
cash flow – berealistic
Measurement and
Objectives: know your limit
§ The Capital Ladder
No cash, sweat
> personal savings >friends and families > incubators > angels and
small venture capital >classic VCs > corporate VCs > working bank
loans > IPO
§ In incubator
ü Build the ecosystem of the industry
ü Service fee
ü Part of shares in the company
ü Portfolio building
§ Incubator provides
ü Infrastructure: office, internet, etc.
ü Service: finance, human resources, legal, etc.
ü Mentorship: operational or non operational (Crucial!)
ü Network: access to industry, VCs
ü Capital: seeding fund, round A
§ Incubator looks for
ü Founder who are committed, not built to sell, and can
actually execute
ü Ideas that has real Business Potential
ü Products and solution that will have traction
ü Products and solution that will change the world
What to Prepare?
Your appearance, your business plan, your product sample/prototype, your
requirements, your head and your heart.
Everyone has a
plan until they get punched in the face
v Mulai dari rasa ingin tahu, passion
v Passion terhadap 1 bidang, di mana?
v Apa yang mengganggu hati nurani kalian?
v Mahasiswa jangan malas. Aktiflah.
v Mulailah terlibat.
Mas Lulu Lutfi Habibi
Ø Sebelum buat brand, berdoa terlebih dahulu
Ø KONSEP (di ranah fashion)
Moodboard: media
visual yang menarik untuk diri sendiri
Menentukan made by
order atau ready to wear
Target market
(usia 25-40, strata sosial, lokasi tinggal)
Price: jika kita
memilih ready to wear ad acara untuk menentukan harga> misal: HPPx3=WP |
Ø Online: FB, IG
Ø Offline: butik, konsinyasi
Ø Buat katalog/look book
Ø Branding image
Spread majalah
Fashion show
Sponsor acara TV,
Ø Produksi barang yang disuka saja
Ø Produksi barang yang akan dipakai
Mbak Marizna
Tips Mencari Partner:
Penting mengenali
diri sendiri
Punya visi &
misi yang sama
Jangan asal dekat
atau saudara
Our friends:
Rahma Fitriasih
Khoirunnisa Septiani
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