Sunday, May 15, 2016

Tugas 3 PMW

O > Antonny Liem, Marizna, Lulu <o
O >Elmira Al-Mafaza Baby Clothing <o


Pak Senawi: Kewirausahaan => martabat (karena memberikan kehidupan untuk orang lain)
Antonny Liem:
-          Masa ini merupakan masa yang luar biasa karena banyak sekali aspek yang berkembang dengan luar biasa.
-          Politik Indonesia cenderung stabil.
-          It’s good if you lead your ideas to action.
-          Well, there’s nothing new under the sun. Tidak ada ide yang benar-benar baru, yang ada adalah mengimprovisasi ide yang sudah ada dengan tidak benar-benar menjiplak yang original. It’s about how you make it better.
-          Praktikkan ATM (Amati Tiru Modifikasi) then make it yours
-          Cari partner bisnismu to gain something from brainstorming.
-          Steal, don’t copy > brainstorm to make it better > write it down > keep it simple > perfection is state of mind. If you don’t practice this, your idea will be just an idea.
-          Starting your business plan => agar terbangun sistematik thinking, logika bisnis. Brand is only your identifier.
-          Vision is what you want to be. Mission is what you are doing. Goals and Objectives are what your targets are.
-          Do SWOT Analysis: research, research, and research.
-          Strategic plan to organize sales and marketing.
-          Financial plan: cash flow – berealistic
-          Measurement and Objectives: know your limit
§  The Capital Ladder
No cash, sweat > personal savings >friends and families > incubators > angels and small venture capital >classic VCs > corporate VCs > working bank loans > IPO
§  In incubator
ü  Build the ecosystem of the industry
ü  Service fee
ü  Part of shares in the company
ü  Portfolio building
§  Incubator provides
ü  Infrastructure: office, internet, etc.
ü  Service: finance, human resources, legal, etc.
ü  Mentorship: operational or non operational (Crucial!)
ü  Network: access to industry, VCs
ü  Capital: seeding fund, round A
§  Incubator looks for
ü  Founder who are committed, not built to sell, and can actually execute
ü  Ideas that has real Business Potential
ü  Products and solution that will have traction
ü  Products and solution that will change the world
-          What to Prepare? Your appearance, your business plan, your product sample/prototype, your requirements, your head and your heart.
-          Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face
v  Mulai dari rasa ingin tahu, passion
v  Passion terhadap 1 bidang, di mana?
v  Apa yang mengganggu hati nurani kalian?
v  Mahasiswa jangan malas. Aktiflah.
v  Mulailah terlibat.
Mas Lulu Lutfi Habibi
Ø  Sebelum buat brand, berdoa terlebih dahulu
Ø  KONSEP (di ranah fashion)
-          Moodboard: media visual yang menarik untuk diri sendiri
-          Design
-          Menentukan made by order atau ready to wear
-          Target market (usia 25-40, strata sosial, lokasi tinggal)
-          Price: jika kita memilih ready to wear ad acara untuk menentukan harga> misal: HPPx3=WP | WPx3=Rp
Ø  Online: FB, IG
Ø  Offline: butik, konsinyasi
Ø  Buat katalog/look book
Ø  Branding image
-          Achievement
-          Spread majalah
-          Fashion show
-          Sponsor acara TV, film
Ø  Produksi barang yang disuka saja
Ø  Produksi barang yang akan dipakai
Mbak Marizna
Tips Mencari Partner:
1.      Penting mengenali diri sendiri
2.      Punya visi & misi yang sama
3.      Jangan asal dekat atau saudara

Our friends:
Rahma Fitriasih Diniastuti

Khoirunnisa Septiani

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